Dick Cheney will never admit that he screwed the pooch with his push for war with Iraq. He now says that since we blew the shit out of Iraq, as well as eliminated Saddam as a WMD threat, spending a trillion dollars with 100,000 civilians killed and almost 4500 US soldiers dead made it worth the cost in blood and treasure to America. Huh? 'Potential' is his new benchmark for invading and destroying anybody he sees fit.
O’REILLY: But what — right now, what do we — what do we get of Iraq for all of that blood and treasure? What do we get out of it?
CHENEY: What we gain and my concern was then and it remains today is that the biggest threat we face is the possibility of terrorist groups like al Qaeda equipped with weapons of mass destruction, with nukes, bugs or gas. That was the threat after 9/11 and when we took down Saddam Hussein we eliminated Iraq as a potential source of that.
After O'Reilly tells him that Al-Qaeda is back, he blames Obama administration for not following his policies. What an evil man. He also cites Moammar Gadhafi giving up his nuke capabilities and catching AQ Khan as the other great achievements for invading Iraq. He's an evil man because he knows this was the real reason for his call to invade Iraq.
A senior official from former President George W. Bush's administration is quoted in “Days of Fire: Bush and Cheney in the White House” saying American troops went into Iraq because the U.S. was looking for a fight.
"The only reason we went into Iraq, I tell people now, is we were looking for somebody’s ass to kick. Afghanistan was too easy," the anonymous official said,according to Politico.
There's not a punishment severe enough that could be levied on Bush and Cheney for the horrors they caused in the Middle East as well as in America. All those lives lost and wounded and for what? They lied and lied to start a war, they should burn in hell.
Since Iraq didn't have any weapons of mass destruction maybe we could have saved ourselves some money and eliminated a cheaper "potential source of WMD" that didn't have any. Like "invading" Trinidad or something.
I'm frankly shocked that Cheney hasn't been able to develop a better line about this by now. But then, really, what can he say? There is no good reason. We went crazy. And everyone knows it.
Yes, there is no good reason to justify the Iraq invasion.