The Republican establishment is really spooked at the idea that Sarah Palin might run for President in 2012 after she decided to take a long bus ride and George Will didn't waste any time by throwing a haymaker on ABC's This Week:
Will: There's no undecided vote in this country anymor eon Sarah Palin The threshold question, it's not usually asked, but it’s in everyone’s mind in a presidential election. ‘Should we give this person nuclear weapons?’ And the answer [Palin], answers itself.” That doesn't mean she can't be without political consequence.
When Republicans call into question another Republican's national security chops you know there's real animus goin' on. Conservatives and the media always give the edge to protecting the homeland to the GOP so this isn't some off the cuff quote. Conservative pundits and kingmakers are speaking out against her hard so maybe the RWNM will focus on the Conserva-bias being dished out against her instead of the usual mean MSM media.
Let's take a quick look at what's being said by her own. Conservatives have labeled her their 'Al Sharpton." Roger Ailes may have called her an idiot. Charles Krauthammer has dismissed her as being not serious. Even Barbara Bush dissed her and now George Will tells the US public that she can't be trusted with our nukes because maybe she might start an Armageddon.
By the way, Will reminded me of the scene with Martin (President) Sheen from The Dead Zone:
[oldembed src="" width="340" height="289" resize="1" fid="21"]
Martin Sheen as pushes the red button: 'My destiny.'
Pass the popcorn boys and girls, this is real entertainment.