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Rush Limbaugh wonders if riots aren't part of the Obama administration's "Grand Plan" for the US economy, since he says they are trying to kill the economy. Does that remind you of someone who's leaving Fox?
Limbaugh: inaudible Whadda ya got riots and things happening out there with poets and other people. Long hot summer schedule, and I'm not sure that's not part of the grand plan. The more unrest and chaos there is out there the more the government will be called on to fix it. Same old thing.
I seem to remember a certain summer that had near riots, violence, hate and unrest during the health care town halls and not a peep out of Rush Limbaugh that that was in fact Obama's plan all along or for the government to stop it.
Wisconsin's response to Gov. Scott Walker's anti-union legislation has the right wing nervous because other states are also experiencing buyers' remorse over who they elected, as we've been covering on C&L. Polling is coming out every day backing up those concerns.
ThinkProgress has done a lot of coverage of controversial policy measures being inaugurated around the country by the new breed of Republican governors elected last fall due to the recession. And according to survey data from Margie Omero at Public Policy Polling, the voters in most of these states (though not all, Nevada’s an exception) aren’t liking the cocktail of budget cuts, union-busting, anti-abortion laws, etc.
Polls show voters in battleground states regret having voted for their new Republican Governors. Since February, Democratic firm PPP released surveys in eight states asking voters “if you could do last fall’s election for Governor over again, how would you vote?” In seven of the eight, the Democrat now would win, with all seven showing double-digit improvements in their margin. (Only Rory Reid in Nevada still trails.) The chart below shows both the actual 2010 margin and the new margin, sorted by the shift.
John Kasich, one of the first Fox News pundits to get a job from the Roger Ailes-led Tea Party movement, has the worst showing of all the new Governors at this moment in time. As MM notes, Limbaugh's having a Beck moment.