Check out this great picture from our friends at #OccupyHBG. (Here's their website)They spell out the wealth disparity between the rich and the rest of America as well as anything I've seen, only in pizza terms. We are receiving messages like this on a daily basis.
"Thank you Crooks and Liars for the Pizza!"
No, thank you for showing up and thanks to all those that have donated to our C&L Solidarity Pizza fund.
And no, this has nothing to do with Herman Cain's ridiculousness either. Out of a simple act of trying to show that we stand with the #OWS movement comes an action that is breeding goodwill for all. Here's another message, this time from #OccupyStLouis
Dear Crooks & Liars peeps,
I am sure you have already received a thank you, but I wanted to send another. Thank you soooo much for sending hot pizza to our protesters at Occupy St. Louis! And from an amazing local business as well. You all cannot rock anymore, you have reached the pinnacle of coolness. That was so amazingly considerate and sweet. I wasn’t even there that night, but I was so extremely touched by the photo of the Maurizio’s pizza box with “with love, Crooks & Liars.com” on it, that I had to let you guys know how awesome that was. Way to support the best movement around. Solidarity, friends. And thank you so much!Best, L.A.
Part of the 99%
We are expanding what services we can provide to the #OWS protests because of your generosity now as we continue to raise more funds. Here's a partial list of cities we've supplied pizzas to so far:
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New York
D.C./K Street
San Diego
Des Moines
Portland, OR
New Orleans
St. Louis
Salt Lake City
San Jose
We've sent roughly 1156 pizzas. Wow. I'm planning on something pretty big if I can organize it, but I'll have more on that particular action when it's solidified.
[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2DZcnCOLABY" width="425" height="275" resize="1" fid="21"]
C&L's Solidarity Pizza fundraiser has had an incredible unifying impact across the country. Please donate if you can because the country really thanks you and so do we.