Never mind that the Right Network failed and shut down last year. Never mind that Glenn Beck gets a ton of money so people can ask "Glenn who?"
This should prove beyond all doubt that tax rates must go up on billionaires because truly, there's really nowhere for them to spend all of that money they have, which is why they've unleashed Herman Cain on the Internet in the form of "Herman Cain TV." iPhone, iPad and Android apps coming to an app store near you, I'm sure.
Let me tell you, Tea Party Nation and Judson Phillips are just about beside themselves with joy over this insane waste of bandwidth. You can watch Herman Cain lie while looking straight into the camera, claiming that the Obama administration is working to restrict gun rights while letting them fall into the hands of foreign drug dealers.
There is a WTFness about the videos on that site that will make you cringe. The gun video is entitled "Give a Lamb a Gun." Oooh, yes. Please, let's do that. Or the weird animated thing, Tex Visits Plymouth Rock.
I don't see any PSAs warning against sexual harassment, wingnuts, or compulsive liars, however. Parents, please be careful about what your children watch on television. It could be hazardous to their mental health.
Salon's Mary Beth Williams sums it up:
Want to see an overweight bald man arguing with a Sandra Fluke puppet? You got it, America. How about some toothless guy sitting on the curb talking about what’s wrong with Hillary Clinton? That can be arranged. Animated Ronald Reagan berating Barack Obama about wealth redistribution? You bet. Dinosaurs who lay red, white and blue eggs in “the greatest country of all”? Get the kids. Metaphors involving sheep and firearms? Coming right up. “Gunless Moments in History” — a feature that equates gun control with the Holocaust? We thought you’d never ask. And, of course, “lots of Cain”? Oh hell to the yes. It’s like going down a beautiful rabbit hole of inspirational, patriotic paranoia.