Here's the Fox transcript of Gary Johnson's comedy moment, which clearly garnered the most laughs of the night:
BAIER: Governor Johnson?
JOHNSON: My next-door neighbor's two dogs have created more shovel-ready jobs than this current administration.
And here's a clip of the transcript from Rush Limbaugh's radio show this afternoon:
RUSH: My dogs have created more shovel-ready work than Obama has (chuckling) just this week alone. The new puppy. Honest to God. More shovel-ready work for me this week than Obama has created all two and a half years.
Limbaugh doesn't seem to have much objection to Johnson's use, and Johnson claims it was one of several one-liners sent to him by radio host Jim Villanucci, who used to write for the Tonight Show.
Laughs aside, the thing about those projects? They may not have been instantly "shovel-ready", but they are being done, and they did have an impact. Here's a chart of the impact on GDP:

That's a CBO estimate. I guarantee you Gary Johnson and Rush Limbaugh wouldn't be paying anyone to shovel their dogs' crap when they can just toss it all over the stage.