Beyond Social Security, beyond the deficit, beyond the stupid effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, there's one key issue where I want to hear some forceful words from the President. Infrastructure.
I want high-speed rail put on the fast track. (Pun intended). I want bridges retrofitted, highways repaired. When I was up in Northern California last month I was horrified at the condition of some of the freeways. They're close to being undriveable.
I want creative ways to get from point A to point B without having to own a car. This is Southern California, you say? Everyone -- EVERYONE -- owns a car and must use it to get around. Well, I'm nearly 2 years in to not having one, and I don't miss it. What I *do* miss is the ability to get places that aren't currently served by Amtrak or local thruways.
I want to ride my bike on real bike trails to get to real places without fear of being run down by the next lunatic on a cell phone. As bike-friendly as it is where I live, it's still minimal. an 18" lane next to cars swerving in and out of it is hardly my idea of bike-friendly.
I want a data infrastructure that's public and affordable. Screw net neutrality, let's move on to a public utility model where everyone can get access for something less than a zillion dollars a month like it is now.
The thing is, infrastructure is a HUGE job creator, from the engineer to the liability insurer that covers the contractor pouring the cement. Those jobs make more jobs, and from there even more. People can start thinking about buying things again because they're working, and that makes more jobs.
This isn't news, I know. But if you asked me what the best thing we could possibly do right now today is to get some jobs happening, help small business, and move our country forward, it would be a substantial investment in infrastructure.
Republicans hate it, but know it's got to be done, too.
If there's a forceful and high-level focus on this, you'll hear me whoop and holler across the airwaves tonight. Here's hoping. :)