Texas Governor Rick Perry on Saturday vetoed Republican-sponsored legislation aimed at reducing the flood of so-called dark money in political campaigns.
“At a time when our federal government is assaulting the rights of Americans by using the tools of government to squelch dissent it is unconscionable to expose more Texans to the risk of such harassment, regardless of political, organizational or party affiliation,” the Republican governor said in a statement. “I therefore veto SB 346.”
Perry claimed the proposed law could be used by the government to “intimidate” political donors, an allusion to the recent scandal involving IRS scrutiny of tea party groups.
The bill he vetoed had absolutely nothing to do with what the IRS is under fire for doing. It simply required disclosure of contributions in excess of $1,000 for any organization which received more than $25,000 per year. It wasn't about any government agency review or anything else.
I think we all know Perry would have vetoed it, anyway. He just used the IRS as an excuse to keep the base baying at the moon, fired up and ready to go.