Esquire: Drug War Facts: America's prohibition of narcotics may be costing more lives than Mexico's — and nearly enough dollars for universal health care
Angry Bear: Gang of Six, Regular Order & the Johnson Treatment
Shakesville: If you're not already against the death penalty...
RaceWire: By the Numbers: Katrina families still wait for justice
Alas, a blog: Crazy for Cryin', Crazy for Tryin'...
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Reporter urged lynching...JoeNBC...Pentagon screening war reporters...WSJ ethics...Grandaddy of Hate Radio back on the air...Kurtz: In the tank AND stupid...Bringing down Beck...And his"Defenders"...Does anyone actually edit the WaPo?...'Oh No He Didn't'...NPR boosts private health insurers...Alaska Daily notes Levi Johnston Tell-All...