Blue Gal: What I DON'T want to write about
Corrente: Health insurance parasites - documenting a rogue industry
naked capitalism: Is Wall St. about to ruin another financial product?
Jack & Jill Politics: When will this White House learn that you cannot negotiate with terrorists...or lying assh*les...or morons
cab drollery: Busted
Lost in Tarnation: Muslim Monster Diety to Terrify Nation's Children on First Day of School
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: So... War is Hell?...Putting the "BS" In PBS...The Bottom...Anatomy of a Column...When wingers scream, your press will eventually deliver...Cue Joe Cocker...Ed Murrow & Glenn Beck: Homies?...Gawker to-publish Russian translation of buried story story critical of Putin...Just how crazy is Pat Buchanan?...Referral to the Dean's office...Saving Mt. Wilson...Courting disaster...