Newshoggers: Not a chip off the old block Attackerman: The Taliban's military commander has been captured. Obama sure doesn't know how to deal with t
February 16, 2010

Newshoggers: Not a chip off the old block

Attackerman: The Taliban's military commander has been captured. Obama sure doesn't know how to deal with terrorism, huh?

Liberal Values: Republicans were for mandates, purchasing pools, and effectiveness research before they were against them

RealClimate: IPCC errors: fact and spin

Amped Status: The Economic Elite vs The People of the United States

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Blaming the wife...Fox News at its finest...TV's conservative bias...Krauthammer vs Krauthammer...Another plagiarist?...What's killing newspapers...Socialist rag...dis is “News”?...NYT editor 'stands behind' contested 'pimp' story...Thomas Friedamn, nation-builder...Keeping 'em stupid...Corporate Media Cave-In

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