J.M. Bell: Indicted for war crimes? Visit beautiful Utah, this century's Buenos Aires
The Daily Banter: Dead babies can take care of themselves. Faith based, incompetent ideologues are killing American civilians as fast they're killing people in Iraq and Afghanistan
ginandtacos: Obama has noticed, since his election, the stampede for guns, and in a statement Sunday, tried to reassure the panicked weapon stockpilers that he has no designs on their arsenals. But if you think that this hysteria is all about the fear of impending legislation, well, let me disabuse you of that stupid, potentially treasonous assumption.
Making Light: How to read an American newspaper
The Brad Blog: Humboldt County, California's first-of-its-kind citizen oversight program found 197 ballots not counted by the Diebold system in one precinct. The company has known about the flaw since 2004 but failed to notify Humboldt officials or the California Secretary of State. How many other states/counties know about this problem?
Senate Guru: Retirement/Resignation Watch