"After many hours of deliberation and discussion over the past several weeks among the members, it has been decided that same sex marriage legislation will be brought to the full senate for an up or down vote," the majority leader Dean Skelos, a Republican, said in a statement after meeting with colleagues.
"The entire senate Republican conference was insistent that amendments be made to the governor's original bill in order to protect the rights of religious institutions and not-for-profits with religious affiliations.
"As I have said many times, this is a very difficult issue and it will be a vote of conscience for every member of the senate," he added.
Funny how much harder it is to achieve marriage equality in a traditionally blue state like New York (and California), but red state Iowa has had it for years. However if the bill succeeds in NY, the number of Americans guaranteed Constitutional equal justice under the law regarding marriage will double. Go figure.
It's Pride Weekend in NYC. I have a feeling there'll be a lot of dancing in the streets. And dammit, it's deserved.