Well, well, well...look who had to walk back his ludicrous false equivalence that MoveOn is receiving millions from anonymous donors, just like the Chamber of Commerce.
I suppose this is par for the course. But perhaps it should be part of the discussion that right wing commentators who claim lefty groups and unions are running ads funded by anonymous donors -- just as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other righty groups are doing -- are just flat out lying.
This lie is so easily debunked that Joe Scarborough actually retracted it today on Morning Joe after making the claim and getting corrected. Will Karl Rove and Fox News and others spreading this falsehood or letting it go unchecked do the same?
Scarborough, during a discussion this morning of the Obama-and-Dem-versus-Chamber dust-up, called on President Obama to demand disclosure from unions and MoveOn, claiming "blatant hypocrisy."
But the comparison is totally bogus. Under Federal law, unions disclose far more about their funding than other political groups do, and it just so happens that MoveOn's ads are funded by a Federal political committee that has to comply with the same disclosure requirements that candidate and party committees do.
To his credit, Scarborough corrected his false claim after a MoveOn official contacted him to complain. He acknowledged that MoveOn is a "Federal PAC," admitting: "I shoot from the hip."
Uh huh. Or you're just so eager to deflect rightful criticism that the Citizens United ruling and the frightening thought that foreign contributions are now affecting American elections, that you just pulled erroneous facts from a location near that hip. There is no equivalence on the left to the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham). There are no huge paychecks from shadowy billionaires eager to foist their selfish and short-sighted world view on the rest of the country. And Democrats are being outspent 7 to 1.
We've done posts on the foreign interests, as have Think Progress and other liberal blogs. I don't see a need to rehash it, probably not nearly as well as others have. But I do think that the importance of this cannot be overstressed: We will NEVER have any true democracy or fair elections until we demand public financing. All other complaints about weak-kneed Democrats or corporatist Republicans or being sidelined and not listened to take a back seat to that one fact.