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Tired of the same old Republican talking points and memes? Longing to hear a discussion of the week's events not framed to push the Overton Window to the right? Listen in to Virtually Speaking at 6:00 pm Pacific/9:00 pm Eastern where C&L contributers Dave Johnson & Cliff Schecter offer a counterpoint to the Sunday morning media shows. Jay Ackroyd hosts.
Tonight's subjects:
- The return of the austerity and grand bargain narratives, including the appointment of New Democrats Chris Van Hollen, James Clyburn and Nita Lowey to the budget negotiation committee.
- GOP in disarray. Are the Teahadists chastened, or emboldened by the loss?
- PPACA. Particularly the tension between identifying problems and defending it from attack
Plus satirical commentary from Culture of Truth.
Follow @DCJohnson @CliffSchecter @JayAckroyd @Bobblespeak on Twitter.
Listen live or later at Virtually Speaking at Blog Talk Radio.