Fifty People, One Question--By the end of the day, what do you wish to have happen?
I have simple needs, I really do. I have no desire for a bigger home or a newer car. I don't want jewelry, designer clothes, a maid, or any other "keeping-up-with-the-Jones" status symbols. But sadly, the things that I do want seem far more unreachable than the possibility of getting those things. I want to see an honest debate in media over issues that concern Americans. Not pundit after pundit asserting some opinion as fact or some politico drumming up some stupid strawman that never gets questioned by the purported journalist hosting the show. We're at it again this week, with the ongoing topic of Sonia Sotomayor's nomination, Iran's election and health care reform topping the list. Perhaps rather than focusing on the crooks and liars in the media, we should start a blog of moments of honest debate...nah, there'd be next to no content.
ABC’s “This Week” - Kathleen Sebelius, Mitt Romney. Roundtable: Ron Brownstein, Kimberly Strassel, Donna Brazile, George Will.
CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sen. Mitch McConnell, Sen. Dick Durbin
NBC’s “Meet the Press” – Vice President Joe Biden. Roundtable: Joe Scarborough, Mike Murphy
NBC’s “The Chris Matthews Show” – Panel: Katty Kay, Claire Shipman, Helene Cooper, Norah O’Donnell. Topics: Why is Obama a more elusive target for Republicans than Bill Clinton was? Why do women report higher job satisfaction even if they are paid less? Meter Questions: Will President Obama's policies be a riper target than his personality for Republican critics? YES: 12 NO: 0; Will Senate Republicans attack Sonia Sotomayor as a liberal or show deference to her? YES: 10 NO: 2
CNN’s “State of the Union” - Kathleen Sebelius, James Carville and Mary Matalin, Sen. Ben Nelson, Sen. Susan Collins, Sen. Kent Conrad
CNN’s “Reliable Sources” - ABC News President David Westin on "The New Normal" -- a network-wide series devoted to what life will be like after the recession ends.
CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” - This week, the big story is the Iranian elections. What should the world expect from Iran? What will the outcome mean for Iran's relations with the U.S. and the rest of the world? And can real reform come to Iran?
“Fox News Sunday” - Sens. Chris Dodd and Charles Grassley. Thomas Donahue, the head of the Chamber of Commerce.
So, what's catching your eye this morning?