Obviously the White House was worried about Haig. King: Secretary Haig, I want to begin with this question. As we were preparing for the show, we h
April 24, 2005

A picture named Haig2.jpg

Obviously the White House was worried about Haig.

King: Secretary Haig, I want to begin with this question. As we were preparing for the show, we had a phone call from the State Department. They were looking for you. Did they make an attempt to, shall we say, influence your testimony?

Haig: No, not at all. That wasn't the issue that was discussed. It was: Did I have enough information, and that's all they offered? And that's fine. And it was John Bolton himself who offered that.

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Mr Haig, do you mean that they gave you the "right kind of information?"

I wonder if they slipped a little envelope in his jacket?

Can you help us out?

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