May 26, 2005

Jury Acquits Clinton Aide/Bad Week in Hannity's World

A loss for the Justice Department. A jury has found David Rosen, HillaryClinton's chief fundraiser, not guilty of campaign finance violations. Jeralyn has more here.

Sean is having a bad week. He lost the nuclear option, Bolton's still not confirmed, David Rosen was found innocent, and Hilliary Clinton is liked pretty well in a new poll. Hannity was wringing his hands with glee tossing out statements like (paraphrasing). " Just because she wasn't charged doesn't mean she's not guilty, " or " Not that we know of." They had their convicted felon, Mr. Paul lined up in waiting. Here's a list of questions Sean has on his website for Hillary. Attaturk has a nice little roundup about this. I guess Sean's happy for the holiday.

(Update:) The Tattered Coat says: Sean Hannity's great adventure:Is spending a day at an amusement park, surrounded by whining kids, dirty diapers, and half-eaten ice-cream cones your idea of hell? Well, how about spending a day at an amusement part listening to the musical stylings of LeAnn Rymes as Sean Hannity, Oliver North, Ann Coulter, Zell Miller, and Rick Santorum sing along? read on

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