Palast for Conyers: The OTHER ' Memos' from Downing Street and Pennsylvania Avenue
via BlondeSense: Greg Palast, unable to attend hearings in Washington Thursday, has submitted the following testimony: Chairman Conyers,
It's official: The Downing Street memos, a snooty New York Times "News Analysis" informs us, "are not the Dead Sea Scrolls." You are warned, Congressman, to ignore the clear evidence of official mendacity and bald-faced fibbing by our two nations' leaders because the cry for investigation came from the dark and dangerous world of "blogs" and "opponents" of Mr. Blair and Mr. on
writes: Of course, Editor & Publisher is correct to point out these serious questions about how major national newspapers will cover today’s events. I think they will certainly cover the Conyers’ hearing, but it probably will not be given the prominence or detail that it merits. By the way, Conyers appeared briefly on Stephanie Miller’s radio show this morning—and said that his letter demanding answers from Mr. Bush has now been signed by more than….wait for it…
553,000 Americans.
Now if only the media would catch up…