June 26, 2005

via Daily Kos: The Bush Administration's effort to silence Iraq critics by rewriting the history of 9/11 has reached new levels of desparation.

On national television, Republican Vice President Dick Cheney resorted to slander -- yes, outright slander -- when responding to Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, who recently criticized the Administration's handling of Iraq.

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And how are they doing it? By, of course, lying and saying that Hagel didn't believe we could win in Afghanistan. First, totally irrelevant to Iraq. But more importantly, Hegel never said that - he said we were winning in Afghanistan.

But Bush-Cheney have to discredit Hagel like they did Durbin and like they're doing with every other American who's figured out that this war is a disaster. So, they lie.

Duncan says: It's been obvious, but now it's 150% certain. The new strategy is criticism of iraq=criticism of afghanistan=support for taliban=support for al qaeda = cheering on crashing twin towers.

C&L says: I didn't even have time to look at the Blitzer so I'm glad it didn't get missed. This is the Republican attack machine revivng up. Paint them as "traitors," then sick the insane clown posse 24/7-radioland maggots on them to pick at the carcass.

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