Sept. 11. Sept 11, Sept. 11....
I can't hear you maggot!.....Sept.11
I'm turning on some baseball for a while.
FOX NEWS is reporting that the audience was given orders not to cheer! That solves it then. Brit Hume immediately had to make that clear.
I've turned this into a round up.
(Update)-Ezra Klein has an update on Bush's speech
David Corn: Bush continued to maintain that Iraq is "a central front in the war on terror." How did he prove this case? He quoted Osama bin Laden...
Think Progress: Bush by the numbers
Talk Left: Who is he kidding? This war was not worth a single life or one single survivor's lifetime of grieving - for their lost loved ones or lost limbs.
AmericaBlog: WaPo slams Bush's speech
Tiny Little Dots:Conflation run amok…
Attaturk : Same old, Same Old
Corrente: Two words: Where's Jenna?
mykeru : Hoo boy, tonight George W. Bush delivered a major policy speech on the "War on Terror" at Fort Bragg.
Yellow Dog Blog: Nice Speech, Bush. Where's Osama?
The Agonist: An Open Letter To The President
Steve Gilliard: So, Mr. President, I assume this means your daughters are considering a military career and are planning to enlist, as are most of the Bush clan's younger members.
TPMCafe: Gergen thought that repeated invocations of 9/11 and the attempt to connect it to Iraq was "offensive" and yet he thought it would be at least somewhat effective.
Wonkette:Liveblogging the Fort Brag Speech
Newsie:Media Coverate Notes
The Heretik: George Bush, The Zero King
The Moderate Voice: So, in the end, this speech is likely to prove to be either a speech that helped him regain some lost ground — or a dud.
Captain Ed: Again, I think Bush did a very good job, with just a few missed opportunities.
PoliPundit: I agree with Mort Kondracke that tonight’s was one of George Bush’s best speeches.
Protein Wisdom: Overall, quite an effective presentation, though I would have liked to hear the President use the phrase “evil doers” at least once—and of course, no speech by President Bush is complete without at least one iteration of his trademark nucular.
RedState: Against this, the President, with all his faults and flaws and failures of concept, stands tonight and finds his measure of greatness in a single command: we stay
Roger.L Simon: I suspect it will not succeed, not because what Bush says will not be true or eloquent (he has some good writers and thinkers), but because he is surrounded by cacophony, some of it of his own making