Thank you for contacting Your suggestions and comments help us make a better site. Although it is impossible to
January 18, 2006

Thank you for contacting Your suggestions and comments help us make a better site. Although it is impossible to respond to every individual comment, we do read all of them and will forward your thoughts to the appropriate people at and The Washington Post newspaper. If you are looking for answers to a specific question, try our Help & Feedback page for answers at Thank you again for helping us to make a better Web site!

Michael Golden
Director, Customer Relationships

(I know it was the email that Brady posted) I'm so glad that I could be of assistance to your pathetic response to criticism Mr. Brady. Emails get lost into the ether of nothingness where all of our pens and sunglasses wind up so I'm not surprised.

AmericaBlog has all the deleted comments linked by DU posted.

FDL: "I respect Jim Brady, he's made a series of smart decisions for the Washington Post online that have really given the paper an amazing internet presence, far ahead of the New York Times or anyone else. But the reason he gave for shutting off the comments to Deborah Howell's blog is just absurd."

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