John Hinderaker appeared on "Reliable Sources," Sunday and gave a clinic in the art of being a Bush apologist.
Download -WMP Video-QT (I've edited out everyone else)
KURTZ: OK. Let's move -let's move beyond the legal justification. You think the public doesn't have a right to know because classified information is involved that the CIA is maintaining secret presence in Eastern Europe, that the Bush administration is conducting wiretaps in this country without -- without warrants? You would be just as happy if reporters could not publish that kind of information?
HINDERAKER: Oh, absolutely. There's all kinds of information that you can't give to the American public without also giving it to the terrorists. That's what "The New York Times" did, and as a result our security has been compromised.
The NSA program was capturing lots of international terrorist communications. That's dropped off drastically since "The New York Times" published the story. So they've -- they've damaged our security.
As Tbogg says: "Secret prisons in Europe? Somehow that damages our security. Warrantless wiretaps? Ditto. Those issues don't involve the so-called War On Terror. They involve the exposing the private face of an administration that is drunk with power. That's a whole different war.
There is nothing that John Hinderaker won't defend."