Following Peter King, Brit Hume tells us today that amnesty for all that killed Americans is not a serious problem.
Wallace: ..killing Americans or attacking Americans should be...
Hume: This is not a serious policy issue. This is a political issue and it's mostly a political issue in the United States and in my judgement its not worth much.
American lives are not worth much? His rationale for this sentiment is rather bizarre too.
Chris Wallace was not too thrilled with his explanation either. I can't remember a time when he disagreed with Hume as much as this.
Bill " blood on his hands Kristol didn't like that plan as well.
If I'm a soldier and I know insurgents that have killed and wounded my brothers could walk free I'd probably be pretty angry right now.
Digby: I don't. I really, really don't. Amnesty is something you grant when hostilities are over as part of a settlement. Until troops are off the ground, or a very serious cease fire has been called at the least, the mere idea of this is just nuts in my book...
Arthur has a different perspective .
(h/t David Edwards)