Unchastened by the catastrophe of the Iraq war or the setback delivered to the White House and Republicans in the midterm elections in part as a result of it, Iran hawks have organized new efforts to promote U.S. support for regime change in Tehran.
Among the latest efforts is the creation earlier this month of the Iran Enterprise Institute, a privately funded nonprofit drawing not just its name but inspiration and moral support from leading figures associated with the American Enterprise Institute. The Iran Enterprise Institute is directed by a newly arrived Iranian dissident whose cause has recently been championed by AEI fellow and former Pentagon advisor Richard Perle. Amir Abbas Fakhravar, 31, served time in Iran's notorious Evin prison before arriving in Washington in May, with Perle's help. Fakhravar, who advocates U.S. intervention to promote secular democracy in Iran, now seeks Washington's backing to lead an organization that would unite Iranian student dissidents. Read on...
By Nicole Belle
— November 22, 2006