HAVE A COOL YULE! Santa Claus done came and went...Christmas comes but one cartoon at a time...I'm going to shove coal so far up your stocking, y
December 24, 2006

HAVE A COOL YULE! Santa Claus done came and went...Christmas comes but one cartoon at a time...I'm going to shove coal so far up your stocking, you'll be coughing up diamonds!...Celebrate Christmas the old-fashioned way: Defy Authority!...A special Christmas Box ...When a child is born in Bethlehem...A Christmas Blessing...

AGITPROP: Holiday Weekend Wingnut Roundup

The Democratic Daily: In yesterday's WaPo, John Kerry Kerry eloquently makes the case that he would “rather explain a change of position any day than look a parent in the eye and tell them that their son or daughter had to die so that a broken policy could live.”

Prairie Weather: The Italian "security expert," Mario Scaramella, who met with Litvinenko, the former KBG agent who was murdered in London, has been arrested

TPMCafe: Take a look at the 2000 GOP foreign policy platform, and reread the litany of indictments BushCo had issued with respect to Clinton’s foreign policy. Sure makes for interesting reading.

Orcinus: E.J. Dionne talks about the role of journalists, accountability, and the tension between old and new media

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