Confined Space: Top ten workplace safety stories of 2006 The Progressive Truth: G-Dub's original WSJ op-ed submission Friendly Neighbour: A Cana
January 3, 2007

Confined Space: Top ten workplace safety stories of 2006

The Progressive Truth: G-Dub's original WSJ op-ed submission

Friendly Neighbour: A Canadian's personal experience with universal health care (h/t Blue Gal)...and friend Bob Geiger's personal experiences lead him wonder why life and death should be decided by income.

Attytood: Remember Ashcroft telling us about Padilla and his "dirty bomb"?  They didn't even charge him with that so now it's put-up-or-shut-up time for the feds.

Daily Kos: Spocko rocks ABC!  Mickey Mouse blinks...

Patrick W. Gavin: House GOP tries on the minority straight jacket

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