He's baaaaack on NBC---two days after MTP and didn't look any better this time. I thought Meredith Vieira of The TODAY Show did a pretty good job on The Hamer and really made him look like a silly man. He's pimping a new book about "fighting..and never giving up," errrr....something like that. (How long will it take before Matthews has him on Hardball?) Vieira questions Delay on his always fighting premise because he quit the GOP. Classic...
Vieria What would you advise Mr. Gonzales to do if you still had a position
Delay: Fight!
Vieria: Fight?
Delay: Fight. If they don't fight back...ahhh. I mean this is a made up scandal. There's no evidence of any wrong doing at all. This is a personnel
manor..matter. The Democrats are fishing and----they ought to be fighting and telling them this is a personal matter. The President has every right to do...Vieria : You say to fight, but the name of your book is " No retreat, No Surrender," but didn't you give up your battle?
Delay: No...(timidly) I just changed arenas..hahahaha
Vieria: But in essence you did, You stepped aside.
Delay: Well, in politics you gotta make certain decisions for personal reasons...
Meredith asked if he felt like he let the party down with his own problems.----She listed them---He calls all his ethics violations and other legal scandals---"frivolous"..."I haven't done anything wrong." He was admonished, wasn't he? Check here and here....Not to forget that nasty indictment looming over his head. She asks him who he thought was the front runner in 2008 and he said President Bush...<snark> It took him a while to understand her question and he said nobody yet,...Let's check Tom Delay.com. No mention of his MTP or Today show appearances. They can't even keep their readers informed...what a tremendous blog...
Silent Patriot says: "She accused him of 'surrendering and retreating' from the House by dropping out of his re-election campaign, being responsible for the corruption perception that plagued the GOP in the midterms, and calling 60% of Americans who support a timetable for Iraq unpatriotic. His lame attempt to explain the last one was as incoherent as it was classic."