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Hume: The American people don't like the Iraq war, probably never will, but they're not rooting for us to lose. They don't seem invested in our losing the way the Democrats so often do.
Typical blather from Brit Hume on the Iraq war via FNS. The warmongers treat war like it's a college football game. The American people want us out of Iraq....PollingReport:
NBC/WSJ poll: 59% want withdraw of most troops by 2009. ABC/WaPo: 63% say the war wasn't worth it...He defeats his own talking points because their is no political reconciliation...
There has been no political progress in Iraq and that was the rationale for "the surge." Charles Krauthammer admits this point. Juan Cole has a round up of the violence in Iraq...35 decomposed bodies were found in Baghdad Saturday...
Think Progress has more...
On Fox News Sunday this morning, Brit Hume attacked Senate Democrats for “setting a goal that all U.S. combat soldiers withdraw from Iraq by December 15, 2008,” claiming that they have an “aura of unreality” because they’re trying “to force troop withdrawals, impervious to the fact that troop withdrawals have already begun” on