Watch the videos of Rick Jacobs, Courage Campaign's Chair, and Bill Carrick, a long-time consultant to Senator Feinstein, on KNBC's News Conference.
Now, with Senator Feinstein facing one of the most important decisions of her 14-year tenure in the Senate, we need your help to make sure she responds by standing up for the Constitution.
Next week, a Senate Intelligence Committee bill re-authorizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) will likely come to the Senate floor. This Intelligence Committee bill includes retroactive amnesty for telecom companies guilty of wiretapping Americans *without* a warrant.[..]
Senator Chris Dodd, Senator Russ Feingold and several other Senators have recently said they will filibuster any legislation that contains retroactive telecom immunity. However, to date, Senator Feinstein has failed to indicate that she will support such a courageous stand in defense of our Constitution.
The Courage Campaign can use your help to keep the pressure on DiFi.