So long as John McCain continues to refuse to denounce his controversial support of John Hagee, he's going to continue facing this kind of scrutiny. And it also won't help when he keeps failing to answer questions about it, like whether he knew about Hagee's anti-Catholic statements when he actively sought out his endorsement (and happily and formally accepted).
Back in 2000, Bush caused a very similar controversy, and back then, McCain's response was far, far different.
And that's not all.
There was also a pro-McCain robocall that went out blasting Bush for campaigning with somebody who has "expressed anti-Catholic views."
Double standards for Republicans? Whodathunk? Do you think the reason the press is giving McCain a pass is because he invites them to his ranch for ribs? (scroll down to March 3). Note to Hillary Clinton: McCain feeds the media (in every meaning of that word). Maybe if you didn't do things like this, the media might be more charitable to you too.