Heather writes:
Tom Daschle manages to get in a dig after George Stephanopoulos mis-speaks and confuses Poland for Czechoslovakia and gets in a shot at McCain for not remembering that the country does not exist any more in response to Romney touting McCain's worldly experience with his response to the Russia/Georgia conflict.
It really is a shame that Mitt's $35 million investment for President didn't pan out; it's pretty obvious that he would have been the weakest candidate of the bunch. And his "experience = judgment" argument re: McCain is laughable. Just as is true with Rumsfeld and Cheney, so-called "experience" is worthless when 30+ years of it leads you to believe that, say, a war with Iraq will be a cakewalk with no negative repercussions. For all his naivete and "inexperience," Barack Obama predicted rather accurately what an invasion would entail.