According to the video, a recent poll showed that 89% of fast food workers say they have had wages stolen. Apparently, making minimum wage is not bad enough.
You Won’t Believe The Illegal Things McDonald’s Asked These Managers To Do! (Video)
Credit: touring_fishman
April 2, 2014

Via Americans Against The Tea Party:

A few weeks ago, McDonald’s employees in Michigan, New York, and California filed lawsuits against the fast food chain for wage theft. In a video posted today on the LowPay NotOk YouTube Channel, two former McDonald’s managers discuss how they were instructed to alter employees’ time sheets.

Kwanzaa Brooks and Lakia Williams talked about moving hours to the following week so the company could avoid paying overtime wages, adding breaks to employee time sheets, even if those employees never took a break, and illegal deductions from paychecks for things like uniforms and nametags, and more.


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