Donald Trump seems to have a little bit of a problem distinguishing Iranians from his TeaBircher birther pals. In an appearance on Fox & Friends Monday, he went off about Iraq, saying we should never have been there in the first place. Bully for him.
And then he said we shouldn't work with the Iranians to put pressure on ISIS, because Iran is "not even thinking about the United States right now. They have no respect for the United States. And they have no respect for our president. They do whatever they want."
No, no, Donald. That's your TeaBircher pals. What a stunning memory hole you have. The Iranians have actually been negotiating in good faith. TeaBirchers, on the other hand, don't give a damn about this country, think it's fine for people to die for lack of health care or food, and had no problem shutting down the entire government in order to make sure healthcare remained the province of the elite.
As for respecting President Obama, that's a rich indictment coming from the man who oozes disrespect any chance he gets.
[h/t Newsmax]