Michael Goodwin is a regular guest on Fox News. Once a respectable journalist, this Pulitzer winner has completely shed his credible bona fides. The reason he won the coveted prize in 1999 was for a series of editorials on the then-flailing Apollo Theater. Fifteen years later, he has ascended into irrelevancy and occasionally bloviates on Fox News, the home for manufactured bullshit. He claims he 'graduated' from The New York Times to The New York Post in 2009. Uncle Rupert's rag is the perfect home for an Obama hater like Goodwin. It's not as if the NY Post has been anything but crass and tactless with Goodwin on board.

The segment, Are Democrats Fueling Racial Inequality, is another pot-meet-kettle attempt to project Fox News-GOP-TV's own racist proclivities on the Democratic party and our president. Did playing the race card doom the Democratic party, Kilmeade asked? Goodwin presented two graphics which show an optimistic America in 2008 hoping for less racism while the 2014 graphic indicates that racial tensions have escalated.
Goodwin thought there was a sense in the beginning that race relations would get better under the first black president. Six years later, he thinks they have gotten worse. One culprit is Eric Holder who is "a real race man," he has focused on race almost to the exclusion of other things, Al Sharpton, who's with Holder everywhere, is another culprit who "shows up all the time at the White House."
Kilmeade asked if the president's proclamations on racially-fueled controversies like Trayvon Martin and Ferguson made matters worse. Goodwin cautioned that when the president reacts to the grand jury findings in Ferguson, he will, once again, be allowing these huge individual cases to become national burdens. Uppity, lawless and apparently bigoted toward 50% of his genetic makeup, President Obama has almost singlehandedly escalated racial tensions. The fact his mother was white has no bearing on his actions.
President Obama just doesn't know his place. If innocent black teens are murdered in cold blood, he should just keep quiet about it, not start a national conversation about Stand Your Ground or police brutality. This ever-worsening situation 's certainly not the fault of Fox News or The NY Post, they'd never play the race card.