One of the things I really love about human nature is that so many of us go out of our way to make life a little better, a little nicer for the rest of us.
From those volunteers who make quilts for kids in chemotherapy, to the gardeners who plant flowers in the median strips on your local roads, to the good souls who organize a beef and beer for a neighbor in need, most people really do like to help. This impulse is so engrained that we actually feel sorry for the people who don't feel that way. We know instinctively that there's something is not quite right about them.
So I really enjoyed the sheer happiness traveler Jason Godfrey expressed when a gas station owner in the Philippines went out of his or her way to make the restroom experience so much better than it typically is.
It got me thinking: We spend so much time here exposing the worst of humanity. I even started writing a roundup of 2014 and couldn't finish it, I got too depressed.
On the last day of 2014, I'd rather hear about all the good things people do. Share your stories in the comments about anyone you know who goes out of their way to make other people happy.
We could all use it.