Donald Rumsfeld, (who was humiliated by Andrea Mitchell for lying about the phony intelligence he used to ramp up the Iraq War) and one of the architect's of that disastrous war told Hugh Hewitt that America is now losing the war on terror because of Obama's leadership. In the beginning of the interview he told Hewitt that he didn't believe the US should be into policing the world or nation building.
I mean, I have never believed that the United States should or could serve as policemen for the world, nor do I believe that we’re capable of nation building.
But that's what he signed on for because that's what we did. America was trying to turn Iraq into a democracy, isn't that the definition of nation building?
And then Hewitt asked the man who started the war on terrorism by invading a country that had nothing to do with attacking America, if we're losing the war on terror.
HH: Okay. Now let me ask you about your most famous memo, which is the October 16th, 2003 snowflake, in which you declare we lack metrics to know if we are winning or losing the global war on terror. Is there any doubt in your mind, Mr. Secretary, that we’re losing?
Rumsfeld: I can’t justify my comment numerically, but there is no question but that we’re losing. And the reason we’re losing is because of the lack of leadership. That’s the only reason. We have stepped back.
See, he lacked the metrics when he was in he was in office with George Bush and Dick Cheney, but now who needs metrics, right? And it's a very nebulous question because there's always going to be terrorism around the world.
Rumsfeld is never going to be questioned thoroughly by Hugh Hewitt and it's because of interviews like this that have helped men like Donald Rumsfeld walk away from the wreckage they caused - unscathed. They aren't culpable of anything, ever. What a scumbag.
Hewitt also asked Rummy if he agreed with Rudy Giuliani's depiction of Obama's love of America. Of course he blamed Obama for going on an US apology tour and hinted he didn't love America at all.
DR: Well, he’s a good man, and he’s certainly entitled to his views. I never studied psychology or you know, that kind of stuff. I can’t say whether somebody loves something or doesn’t love something. But clearly, his behavior is that he feels that the United States has in the past, and is today, behaves in a way that is unhelpful. And he blames us, our country, for some of the circumstances in the world that are adverse to the world’s interest. Now if one wants to characterize that as not loving the country, I don’t know. I wouldn’t, myself, but I would say that he clearly, when he goes out and makes an apology tour, and when he has the press conferences he has, and says what he says, that we should get off our high horse, and he pretends that these are random acts, and he calls the Fort Hood a workplace violence, he’s clearly in a state of serious denial. I mean, he can’t be, if anyone in the world looking at what’s going on knows that the way he is describing it is not accurate.
Click here for the full transcript and interview from Hugh Hewitt