If you're running a campaign you hope to ultimately be against a woman, Ethan Czahor might not want to be the guy you hire for digital operations.
Right after the announcement was made that Czahor would be joining Jeb Bush's campaign as digital director, some of his tweets started disappearing. Like these, calling women 'sluts':

The video at the top is Czahor doing his best dance moves for pal James O'Keefe after he was busted trying to wiretap Mary Landrieu's office.
Czahor's activism goes back a ways. In 2007, while he was still in college, he launched a website attacking Rosie O'Donnell trying to get her knocked off The View. Ironically, the guy who claims James O'Keefe as a pal was upset about "unbalanced opinions" on television.
Jeb is unfazed.
“Governor Bush believes the comments were inappropriate,” a Bush spokesman told BuzzFeed News. “They have been deleted at our request. Ethan is a great talent in the tech world and we are very excited to have him on board the Right to Rise PAC.”
Which tells you all you need to know about the values of the so-called "family values" party.