The Young Americans for Freedom reverses the ban on 'American Sniper' despite protests by Muslim students who find the film highly offensive.

April 10, 2015

Score another victory for White Supremacist hate at the University of Michigan. Sadly, even new head coach, Jim Harbaugh jumped on the jingoistic bandwagon in order to reverse the ban on the film, 'American Sniper.' I wonder if he knew much about the group with whom he joined in protest?

Despite the justifiable outrage of students of Middle East and North African descent (MENA), the University of Michigan Chapter of the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) succeeded in their objective to show the film glorifying a decidedly anti-Islamic 'hero.' The mission of a group listed among the SLPC's, Hatewatch is very clear. They are against tolerance of the plight of immigrants, gays and those of the non-Christian persuasion. In other words, they are young, hate-filled Republicans.

On their behalf, a radical right-wing publication posted this article.


A group of Muslim students organized a protest and petition, claiming that they were “offended” and felt “unsafe” because of the showing of the film.

A letter accompanying the petition read, in part, “The movie ‘American Sniper’ not only tolerates but promotes anti-Muslim and anti-MENA (Middle East and North Africa) rhetoric and sympathizes with a mass killer.”

Bowing to the pressure, U-M promptly cancelled the showing of “American Sniper,” replacing it with the decidedly non-offensive kid’s movie “Paddington Bear.” But that didn’t sit right with conservative and libertarian students on campus, who organized their own counter-protest and petition demanding that the movie be shown in the spirit of freedom of speech.

At Michigan State in Lansing, the MSU chapter of YAF is not quite as adept at hiding their racism as the Ann Arbor chapter. From Hatewatch:

"MSU-YAF was added to the SPLC list in early 2007, after MSU-YAF attempted to organize a “Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day” contest, held a “Koran Desecration” competition, joked about distributing smallpox-infested blankets to Native American students.

This freedom-loving student, Grant Strobl, a proud member of YAF, appeared on Fox and Friends with the guy played by Bobby Moynihan on SNL, Brian Kilmeade. Strobl claims it's merely an issue of 'free expression,' and has nothing to do with race. It goes without saying that said expression is just fine, as long as it reflects the values of god-fearing White Christians. His publication,, explained their position.

The screening, scheduled for yesterday evening, was met with protests from students, including many members of the Muslim Students' Association (MSA) and the Students Allied for Freedom & Equality, a Palestinian solidarity group.

A letter circulated online via Google Docs, signed by both students and staff, claimed, "The movie American Sniper not only tolerates but promotes anti-Muslim…rhetoric and sympathizes with a mass killer." In actuality, American Sniper is a film that does not glorify anti-Muslim violence. In fact, the film revolves around a war hero tasked with fighting terrorism, whose many victims include both Christians and Muslims alike.

Seriously? It doesn't glorify anti-Muslim violence? Is this why the YAF has been shut down elsewhere because of their subversive campaigns?
Their roots are steeped in the anti-civil rights movement.

The MSU chapter, founded in 2001 as part of this program, has grown to become one of the most active and vocal YAF groups in the country. Other notable chapters include the one at the University of Michigan, which works closely with the MSU-YAF, and the Penn State Chapter.

The founder of the MSU chapter, Kyle Bristow, had a 13 point plan to enact his vision of the Spartans. Here's an excerpt from an article on the MSU-YAF:

Among the items listed were de-funding of all minority organizations, the creation of a men's council, a seat for a Christian organization on ASMSU, a Caucasian caucus, as well as forcing the Planned Parenthood in East Lansing to leave, and hunting down illegal immigrants in Lansing and having them deported.

It sure sounds like the motives of the Young Americans for Freedom are far more insidious than just gaining the rights to show a nationalistic film glorifying the killing of Muslims. They stand for taking our country back, back to the 18th Century: A time when men were in charge, women had no rights and slavery was legal. In other words, they long for a Republican Utopia.

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