It's not enough to take aim at President Obama any more. Now they're after everyone, including Republicans who aren't insane enough for them.
John McCain is up for re-election in 2016. Extremists desperately want to replace him with a more extreme Senator, so they're trotting out the eliminationist talk against McCain, too.
Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes told a Tempe, Arizona, conservative gathering last week that Sen. John McCain should be tried for treason and “hung by the neck until dead” for going “along with the program of the destruction of this country.”
Arguing that a constitutional convention would be skewed by the political establishment like state party conventions, Rhodes recalled his experience serving as a Ron Paul delegate in the 2008 GOP convention in Nevada, which Paul supporters claim was ended abruptly in order to shut them out.
The “GOP good-ol’-boy network,” Rhode said, “were simply getting their preordained, anointed candidate who would go along with the program of the destruction of this country.”
“John Cain [sic] is a traitor to the Constitution,” he added. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you, he supports your denial of a jury trial, he supported the NDAA saying that he could just have the president slam you into a brig in North Carolina or South Carolina or wherever else he wanted to, try you by military tribunal and have you executed. He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we will give him a trial for jury, and then after we convict him, he should be hung by the neck until dead. But that was their candidate!”
Sounds to me like any jury trial would be a joke. These guys are ready to string him up right now, without the benefit of due process.
Lost in the noise here is the fact that they were opposing a Constitutional Convention until they stack the Senate with enough extremists to rewrite it. That's really the story here, not the imagined threat of John McCain.
It must be the Arizona water.