I'm not sure I agree with all of Cenk's rankings. I think he's got Rand Paul up too high on the list for one, but here's one of the more interesting takes I've seen in a while on how you deal with having 16 members of the GOP 2016 presidential clown car -- put them in a bracket.
From The Young Turks: TYT's Freak Sixteen [RANKINGS] - The Race For The GOP's 2016 Nomination:
Today the battle for the Republican nomination – a wide open race filled with dark horses and dark money – is capturing the lion’s share of media attention. And why not? With 16 announced candidates, the GOP nod could be anyone’s for the taking. Or could it? That’s for you to decide in this, the first ever edition of what we’re calling the TYT Freak Sixteen.
We’ve divided the Republican field into brackets with each candidate seeded 1 through 16. Now we want you to go to the TYT app and make your Round One picks, choosing which GOP hopeful you think will prevail in each of the head-to-head matchups until you’ve arrived at an overall winner.
The printable bracket is here: The Freak Sixteen
We’ll tabulate your votes and announce the first round winners in a week.