Hood County, Texas, is situated on the banks of the Brazos River upstream from me so I hope all the foolhardy ignorance filters out before it gets down here.

Their county clerk was one of the clerks in Texas who followed the advice of indicted first degree felon and Texas attorney general Ken Paxton and refused to issue marriage licenses to same-gender couples.
Her office got sued and, of damn course, lost in court. Hood County Clerk Katie Lang’s refusal to follow the law cost the taxpayers of Hood County $44,000.
And that was lucky. The half million dollar lawsuit was settled out of court for attorney fees.
I have a real problem with the taxpayers having to pay this. The clerk herself should pay it or The Liberty Institute, which has bucketloads of money, who advised her to refused to follow the law. Or Ken Paxton. Hell, all his money is going to lawyers anyway.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.
Crossposted at Juanita Jean's The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.