October 26, 2015

I guess I wasn't the only one who watched Ben Carson on the Sunday shows as I thought to myself, self, he's a nut. Out of the blue, Carson went into a story about how he was a very dangerous teenager growing up and how he wanted to beat people with rocks and bricks and even stab even. I don't know about you, but he sounds just as unstable giving his interviews as he did as a teenage malcontent.

Sen. Lindsey Graham heard those stories too and wasn't impressed. He joined the Morning Joe crew today and said he isn't happy that he's losing to a man that once wanted to kill people, and Trump, who is - Trump.

"On our side, you've got the No. 2 guy tried to kill someone at 14 and the No. 1 guy is high energy and crazy as hell," Graham said. "How am I losing to these people? Just look at Donald Trump's foreign policy. What is it? What's he going to do about ISIL? What is it? What is it? What is his game plan to destroy ISIL? Does anybody know?"

Graham went on to say that Trump's foreign policy has changed throughout the campaign and shared his own plan to address international crises.

Farming out our foreign policy to Russia isn't sitting well with Graham. It's not surprising that Graham is not faring well in the GOP primary because he never had any real chance, but being behind Trump and Carson is an indictment of the GOP base and the extremists that have taken it over more than it is the Senator.

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