Ben Carson has been spinning a web of some very weird stories lately on the campaign trail. Take for instance his claim that if he was confronted by a mass murderer, he would have charged him while urging other to do the same thing. In another weird moment he blamed gun control on the Holocaust and then pivoted to a time when he was in a Popeye's and a would be robber stuck a gun in his ribs.
“I have had a gun held on me when I was in a Popeye’s organization,” Carson said on Karen Hunter’s Sirius XM Radio program.
So what happened when Carson allegedly faced just such a threat? He directed the gunman’s attention to an employee of the fast food restaurant.“I just said, ‘I believe that you want the guy behind the counter,’” Carson said.
Does anybody really believe that if a robber sticks a gun in your ribs and you tell him to rob the cashier instead, that he's suddenly going to listen to you and you know, not rob you also?
Anyway, Carson's camp is in damage control and now are claiming that Carson has a fuzzy brain on all the details:
But details about the incident remain thin, and Baltimore police said the story didn’t provide enough information to verify the incident or find a police report. Carson’s camp had earlier tried to kill questions about the incident, saying they would not discuss it further.
That changed on Wednesday, though. Asked about the incident during an interview on MSNBC, campaign spokeswoman Ying Ma said that implications the Republican presidential candidate lied about the incident were “completely outrageous.”
“A lot of the details are hazy because that incident did occur over 30 years ago,” Ma said. "I'm sure that a lot of even anchors here at MSNBC would have trouble remembering incidents from over 30 years ago."
Listen, if you have a gun pointed at you in close range, there isn't a detail you'd ever forget about the incident. Traumatic experiences stay with us for ever.
So for Carson to say he's hazy on the details now - well, that's just a load of garbage.