Remember Herman Cain? I know you do, but most Americans won't. If they do, it's probably not because they know he was the CEO of Godfather's pizza. It might be because he, like so many other Republicans who ran in the 2012 GOP presidential primary, was in the lead at one time for the Republicans. He also made a hilarious splash with his ludicrous 9-9-9 economic plan.
But the real reason he was popular for a NY minute was that he is a black conservative. He never had a chance in the GOP primary (but he did get a recurring role on The Daily Show for his troubles) because the GOP as a whole has a big racism problem, but it won't stop them from trying to make believe they would actually vote for a dark-skinned guy.
Neurologist Ben Carson is the next would be 2016’s sleeper presidential contender. You won’t find him in early polls, and he doesn't make headlines for huddling with top advisers in primary states.
Now, his supporters believe Carson, as a black Republican and a true political outsider, could be the one GOP candidate capable of taking down Hillary Clinton. That simple star power has made him one of the biggest draws at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, earned him a prime speaking slot on Saturday, and and even inspired an unlikely movement to draft him into the presidential race.
Carson is lauded for his plainspoken yet forceful ability to speak clearly about the party’s values. The retired neurosurgeon, rose to prominence after delivering a controversial speech at last year’s National Prayer Breakfast, where he lambasted President Obama and his policies while standing just feet away from the president
During his speech at CPAC, Carson made these insipid remarks:
American people are too afraid, in this time of political correctness, to stand up and speak for what they believe...
It's time for people to stand up and proclaim for what they believe and stop being bullied...
Wow, what power! What a message! Stop being bullied, conservatives, when you make racist and homophobic comments. What a man!
Vernon Robinson, a former Bushie, is leading the Draft Ben Carson charge and he's making some outrageous claims:
“He’s the only guy who can broaden the GOP base, get 17 percent of the black vote, get a healthy number of Hispanic voters, while still staying true to conservative ideals,” Robinson said. “[Carson’s] very effective at communicating conservative ideas so that the average American can understand.
This reminds me of the people who were trying to get Condi Rice to run for president at CPAC. Let's look at how Carson communicates conservative values, shall we?
During a March 26 appearance on Fox News, Carson said, "Marriage is between a man and a woman. No group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn't matter what they are. They don't get to change the definition."
Fox News' Ben Carson Wants To 'Re-Educate The Women' Because 'They Get All Riled Up' Over Abortion
Ben Carson Attacks 'Racist' Liberals For Wanting To Keep Him On 'The Plantation'
Dr. Ben Carson: God Might Tell Him To Run For President
National Prayer Breakfast Speaker Lectured Obama On Flat Tax To 'Please' God
Ben Carson does speak like a Fox News analyst or and typical Republican pundit, but reaching young people with these words is never going to happen.
The answer is yes! Ben Carson is the next Herman Cain if he runs in 2016. Damn that was too easy.