Donald Trump is a bigot and a blowhard, among other things, and he stands for some pretty terrible things. But… he's not always wrong. Like, oh, when he states the obvious… that 9/11 happened on Dubya's watch. Republicans who were there, like Cheney, and who are trying to continue in Dubya's vein, like Jeb, paper over, or even deny, the obvious, but there you go. In today's Republican Party, sometimes it has to be Trump who exposes the BS.
Talk Left: The prospective Clinton-Castro ticket.
All Things Democrat: The strength of Bernie Sanders.
Occasional Planet: The change from Kucinich to Sanders.
And because we're just a speck of dust on the fringes of the Milky Way:
New Scientist: There's a comet cloud orbiting a distant star.
The Verge: There's a lot of interesting diversity on Pluto.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) I'll be here through the weekend.
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