Thanks, Obama!
Clay County Director of Schools Jerry Strong.Credit:
October 15, 2015

Tennessee has a school district that shut down. Closed the doors. Turned out the lights. Made themselves gone.

Because … Obamacare. Yep, that’s it. The head of the school district explains —

“Clay County’s inability to generate the revenue to offset the mandates is what’s caused this to come to a head,” he said. “The straw that broke the camel’s back was really the Affordable Care Act for us and it has made it very difficult for us to have our employees properly covered and meet the mandates of the law.

One of the reddest counties in the state can’t afford to provide health insurance for their teachers.

Well, that’s not exactly true. They can. They just don’t want to.

County Commissioner Parrish Wright contends that the district does have enough funding to get through the end of the school year and officials could take up the issue later if the tax referendum doesn’t pass.

Hush, now, Commissioner Wright. We wouldn’t want people to know that it wasn’t Obama’s fault.

Maybe y’all would go to the town square and wait for money to trickle down on you.

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