December 17, 2015

Move over ISIS. Christian Christmas warrior, Bill O'Reilly, says that a school's decision to remove Christian references from "A Charlie Brown Christmas," is TERRORISM!

On today's Outnumbered, Harris Faulkner began this, yet another, Fox whine about those nasty, evil secularists who are waging war on Jesus. She reported on the "outrage" in a Kentucky school district that removed "all references to religion" from its upcoming holiday play, "A Charlie Brown Christmas." She noted that this happened when just one evil parent complained about the part of the play in which Linus quotes the New Testament about Jesus' birth.

After she scoffed that "the school says it didn't want a lawsuit," she added that a legal group asserts that there is no need for censorship. After she read a quote from the Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian right wing group specializing in persecuted Christians, she said "drop the mic, or is there more to it." Naturally, she didn't quote the district superintendent who laid out the reasons for the decision.

#Oneluckyguy O'Reilly asked if the leggy ladies had the quote, but they couldn't seem to find it. While they were searching, O'Reilly started with the patented scold: "These people who threaten to sue over religious references, we shouldn't be caving in, this is terrorism, too...This is a national holiday and if you don't like it, get the holiday revoked. But stop terrorizing people who like the holiday. I'm being terrorized."

Andrea Tantaros did ask if he thought that that "taking out or canceling a play, because of a religious reference, is the same thing as terrorism." O'Reilly responded: "I think it's terrorism. I don't think that it's the same thing as Islamic terrorism, but I think that little kids are being terrorized by these PC idiots and if I were the Principal, I'd have two words for those people." He laughed "and they aren't Merry Christmas." Tantaros: "Does it perhaps involve a digit on your hands." More laughter from everyone as he responded, "you know what it involves."

Newest Outnumbered host and widow of the sainted "American Sniper," Taya Kyle agreed with O'Reilly that this is "a silly fear." O'Reilly, "if you don't like the play, keep your kid home." (If the play were a celebration of Islam, would O'Reilly say the same thing?) More scolding from Pope Bill: "Stop imposing this madness on those who respect the holiday."

Sandra Smith read the quote which according to O'Reilly is "overtly religious" but "part of a play." He claimed that the school is saying that any play that has a religious reference has to remove it and asked "how insane is that." He added - IRONY ALERT - "that's not education, it's propaganda." After some discussion about Peanuts, Bill sighed, "it's art, if you don't like it send your kid to an atheist school...but leave the rest of us alone."

Tantaros, not a legal scholar, predicted that this situation, like the Fox fave Christian coach who prayed on the 50 yard line (whose contract hasn't been renewed) will not hold up in court because "you're not in violation of the Constitution, you can pray if you want, you're not indoctrinating, as you said, Bill." She cited "the big win" when a NYC teacher had to "reverse course" on removing Christmas references.

After waging a multi-year jihad against an abortion doctor, who was eventually assassinated, I guess Bill O'Reilly should know about terrorism?!

(Crossposted at

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