Why do networks keep putting on these Breitbart wannabes on at all, much less as apologists for Donald Trump?
Kurt Schlicter was asked about Donald Trump's most recent series of vile remarks about Hillary Clinton, which prompted Schlicter to riff about former President Bill Clinton "trying to make a humidor out of his intern."
Don Lemon interrupted at that point to remind him that we are really talking about the future leader of the free world, and that it might behoove us to consider what we want in terms of behavior from that leader.
When Lemon tried to refocus Schlicter on the question, which was whether or not he thought it was fair for media to be covering Trump's ridiculous and vile statements on the campaign trail, Schlicter tossed it right back at Lemon, calling Hillary Clinton a "serial sexual abuser's enabler."
"I don't know why we're not talking about that. It has been litigated," Schlicter fumed.
Don Lemon jumped in again, reminding both commentators that it has nothing to do with what Donald Trump said on the campaign trail last night.
"You are talking about something that happened over a decade ago. He has been impeached for it. She is not responsible for her husband. Yet you bring it in to a campaign and it doesn't seem fair," Lemon chided.
Schlicter went right back to his song, despite Lemon's protestations, at which point Lemon called for him to be cut off.
Which he was.
Maybe CNN could take a lesson here and not give their mics over to people who are just as nasty and abusive as Trump is.