The Nightly Show's Larry Wilmore with his latest edition of Blacklash 2016: The Unblackening and the what's going on with Republicans and their efforts to "de-negrofy" the White House. Wilmore started things off with Marco Rubio, and his constant use of the term "ram down our throats" on the stump.
WILMORE: Sen. Rubio, since you say you're a man of faith, you might want to tell your children to play BibleSaurus on their iPads or something, because I have something indelicate I need to say to you.
Marco. Hey man. When you talk about protecting your family's Christian values, perhaps it would reflect your own values more completely if you refrain from employing a metaphor that means CHOKING ON A HUGE DICK!!!
Wilmore asked Rubio to "just stop it already" and all I can say to that is amen, Larry.
Next up was Chris Christie, who is also out there talking dirty on the campaign trail, carrying on about 'beating" Clinton's "rear end."
WILMORE: Seriously. You're going to beat her rear end? What is it with these Republicans? Rubio handles the oral stuff and Christie works the ass? I don't get it.
No one wants to think about Chris Christie spanking anyone, unless it's Chris Christie spanking a smaller Chris Christie wearing a top hat, because that's just delightful. That's just fine.

Next up was some recent news about Donald Trump, and him getting some grief about having small hands, which as Larry noted, apparently still bothers him. Wilmore vowed to keep making jokes about Trump's hands because he knows it "bugs the shit" out of him.
As pathetic as the latest tidbit on Trump was, nothing was quite as sorry as Jeb Bush begging for an audience to clap for him during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, that we already discussed here.
Wilmore turned to Jeb Bush campaign advisor Liza Delgado (a.k.a. Nightly Show regular Grace Parra) to explain what was going on with Bush's sinking campaign. Parra told Wilmore that Bush's real campaign wasn't actually to win the presidency, but to "save the Bush name" by managing to be even more pathetic than his brother.
I'd say he's succeeded fully with the even more pathetic part. Saving the Bush name... well, that's another story.